
The occasional adventures of the Cleddau crew

About Us

We are ‘The Captain’ and ‘Boatwif’, owners of nb Cleddau.

Cleddau was a five year old youngster when we took her on in 1994. She was built for cruising on the River Trent. Over time Cleddau has had internal and external adjustments but she retains her original hull, propeller, anchor and portholes.

When asked (frequently) “What does Cleddau mean?” our response is usually “In Welsh it means swords but Cleddau is the name of the river that flows into the Milford Haven deep water estuary in Pembrokeshire…”

We both grew up in Pembrokeshire; for some years we have kept a record of what we call ‘Monkton Moments’, those exchanges with boaters and non-boaters who recognise our Pembrokeshire connections.

This blog below is a record of our mainly boating adventures.


Boatwif Boatwif

The Anderton Boat Lift

Message to the Cheshire Three: “Fancy a ride on the Anderton Lift? We’re going down onto the Weaver.” There was an...

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Boatwif Boatwif

To Northwich

Into Northwich – twice. What comes to mind when you think of Cheshire? The Cheshire Plain and Jodrell Bank?...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Playing your cards right

There’s been a dash back home, just for three days and four nights, enough time for haircuts, grass cuts and...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Hurrah for Staffordshire

Though Staffordshire doesn’t always get a good press its canals deserve a rousing cheer. It’s not been new...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Memories along the T and M

Is your mind startled by a location trigger? Back in Cleddau-land in far West Wales there’s always a smile brought...

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Boatwif Boatwif


River, city, canal, suburbia, river, marina, completion of another phase, river, canal…  The story of the last three days is one...

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Boatwif Boatwif

White water

Congratulations to the sharp-eyed readers who picked up on the afterthought (the Llareggub boat name*) in...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Boston and beyond

“When in Boston…” When in Boston climb up the Stump and look out to sea. After last Tuesday’s thrilling...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Cleddau goes to sea

So often the Captain jokes that the alarm clock is set for quarter past six in the morning. On Monday night at...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Downstream to King’s Lynn

Plans for the Wash Crossing began firming up in Ely. Moored nearby was Chouette, her crew booked too with Daryl Hill...

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