
The occasional adventures of the Cleddau crew

About Us

We are ‘The Captain’ and ‘Boatwif’, owners of nb Cleddau.

Cleddau was a five year old youngster when we took her on in 1994. She was built for cruising on the River Trent. Over time Cleddau has had internal and external adjustments but she retains her original hull, propeller, anchor and portholes.

When asked (frequently) “What does Cleddau mean?” our response is usually “In Welsh it means swords but Cleddau is the name of the river that flows into the Milford Haven deep water estuary in Pembrokeshire…”

We both grew up in Pembrokeshire; for some years we have kept a record of what we call ‘Monkton Moments’, those exchanges with boaters and non-boaters who recognise our Pembrokeshire connections.

This blog below is a record of our mainly boating adventures.


Boatwif Boatwif

Hello Pumpernickel

As a school child October meant being back in school, with summer holidays a fading memory and the daily homework load increasing…

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Boatwif Boatwif

The clock rounded

So, made it – completed the Ring, the Four Counties Ring that is, reaching Hardings Wood Junction...

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Boatwif Boatwif


Surprises tend to come in one of two forms – nice or nasty. A nasty surprise which curtailed Boatwif’s...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Rocking on …

Routines during the past months have been largely repetitive (and we all know why), so when something new...

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Boatwif Boatwif

While plastered…

In mid-July Boatwif’s fractured right wrist brought Cleddau-cruising to an abrupt halt. Incarcerated back in Bedfordshire in...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Thank you for the space…

“Thank you for the space,” an approaching walker said one day on one of the footpaths through a Marston Vale...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Lock gates by proxy...

Though you can take a man away from his boat, you cannot take a boat out of the man… In these strange times...

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Boatwif Boatwif

High and dry...

Boatwif caught the Captain looking back at the last blog entry a couple of days ago. It had been posted on January 18th...

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