
The occasional adventures of the Cleddau crew

About Us

We are ‘The Captain’ and ‘Boatwif’, owners of nb Cleddau.

Cleddau was a five year old youngster when we took her on in 1994. She was built for cruising on the River Trent. Over time Cleddau has had internal and external adjustments but she retains her original hull, propeller, anchor and portholes.

When asked (frequently) “What does Cleddau mean?” our response is usually “In Welsh it means swords but Cleddau is the name of the river that flows into the Milford Haven deep water estuary in Pembrokeshire…”

We both grew up in Pembrokeshire; for some years we have kept a record of what we call ‘Monkton Moments’, those exchanges with boaters and non-boaters who recognise our Pembrokeshire connections.

This blog below is a record of our mainly boating adventures.


Boatwif Boatwif

Final snapshots

When a good trip draws to an end the head fills with visual memories, each a reminder of more than the picture itself…

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Boatwif Boatwif

Shake, Rattle and Roll

On the Friday before Thanksgiving Break Cal Guy Jnr’s class went on a field trip to the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Out and About

You can almost get confused out here as to which season it is – is it Thanksgiving? or Christmas? (Photos taken on the...

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Boatwif Boatwif


(A post delayed by a power cable failure) Boatwif and the Captain were spared a regular school day on Monday...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Home deliveries to 33N, 117W

There’s been a huge expansion in home deliveries in recent years, Tesco and Ocado and the like buzz about delivering to houses...

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Boatwif Boatwif

So that was October...

For the Cleddau crew there always seems to be a breathlessness about October. You see, November follows October and again...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Into winter hibernation

Little did Cleddau or her crew know in early October last year that she was leaving Victoria Pit on the upper level of the...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Do you want … Paradise?

Slowly onward, Hopwas to Tixall Wide, 21¼ miles, 5 locks During the recent crop of warm September days there have...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Battling on

There had been a sharp right at Marston Junction off the Coventry Canal.  High winds and poor weather drove Cleddau...

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Boatwif Boatwif

An end to things

Cruising since Braunston Summit has had a sense of finality about it. This (Braunston Tunnel on Saturday morning)...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Back to the canals

Cleddau had been climbing steadily since leaving Peterborough on 27th August. Peterborough is judged as 10 feet...

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Boatwif Boatwif

Never presume…

Along the Nene (rhyming with preen and mean) from Oundle to Thrapston, 8½ miles, 4 locks So what of Oundle then?...

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Boatwif Boatwif

 Upstream strategy

Wet, wet, wet it was, when Cleddau and Tentatrice left Peterborough on Sunday morning. What strategy would...

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