
The occasional adventures of the Cleddau crew

About Us

We are ‘The Captain’ and ‘Boatwif’, owners of nb Cleddau.

Cleddau was a five year old youngster when we took her on in 1994. She was built for cruising on the River Trent. Over time Cleddau has had internal and external adjustments but she retains her original hull, propeller, anchor and portholes.

When asked (frequently) “What does Cleddau mean?” our response is usually “In Welsh it means swords but Cleddau is the name of the river that flows into the Milford Haven deep water estuary in Pembrokeshire…”

We both grew up in Pembrokeshire; for some years we have kept a record of what we call ‘Monkton Moments’, those exchanges with boaters and non-boaters who recognise our Pembrokeshire connections.

This blog below is a record of our mainly boating adventures.


Boatwif Boatwif

For the record

“Thank you for the adventure,” Cal Guy Jnr said after a walk in a wild place one day.  Was that before or after the accidental chocolate cake lunch…? An exact memory eludes…

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Boatwif Boatwif

Taking to the boards

Cal Son has explained that some geographers might describe all the settlements and cities south of Los Angeles as part of Greater Greater LA…

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Boatwif Boatwif


It had been a long day, one which took 22 hours to get from a bed at A (Beds) to a bed in B (San Diego), via taxi, aircraft and shuttle bus…

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Boatwif Boatwif

October, retrospectively

If there was a thread of any kind through the Cleddau crew’s October maybe it was breakdowns, deliveries and one short list growing ever longer..

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Boatwif Boatwif

A Crack at Cracks Hill

Norton Junction – Cracks Hill Footbridge – Crick Marina: 4 miles, 7 locks, 1 tunnel It’s hard to leave a favourite mooring, especially....

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Boatwif Boatwif

Tight Spots

Newbold-on-Avon to Norton Junction 16½ miles, 9 locks, 2 tunnel transits, 0 swing bridges After the delightful, if “entertaining”....

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Boatwif Boatwif


When departing a mooring there’s a lot to do before ropes are untied and the boat is pushed off from the bank. Mobile phones are moved to the back deck, likewise the pink...

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Boatwif Boatwif

To the Far End

Mid-afternoon (Bank Holiday Monday) the mission to reach the top /the end of the Ashby Canal was continued....

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Boatwif Boatwif


Progress along the Ashby Canal may seem serene and peaceful – but despite the  gentle surroundings the Cleddau crew....

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Boatwif Boatwif

Careful at the locks

Back to the boat – would it be fit for another little voyage? Well, yes – the bilges were empty of excess water.....

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Boatwif Boatwif

Recent Eye Catchers

So what’s caught the eye in recent weeks? Cal Guy Jnr has flown back to California....

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Boatwif Boatwif

Learning the ropes…

Cal Guy Jnr (now 13) had waged a campaign to spend his long school summer break in the UK.....

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Boatwif Boatwif

Three Latter-Day Musketeers

Stratford-upon-Avon, again – but by car this time. There is a history to certain gatherings: twenty years ago a first sisters-and-cousin....

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